Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Robotics Open House coming up!

The robotics groups led by Professors Randall Beer, Kris Hauser, Selma Sabanovic, and Matthias Scheutz invite you to a Robotics Open House to be held on April 16th 2010 from 4-7pm at the R-House Living Lab (919 E. 13th Street, Bloomington IN 47408). This event showcases work from research education in robotics, human-robot interaction, and cognitive science including live demonstrations and computer simulations. It is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
More information on demos forthcoming!!! For last year’s line-up, check out the Cognitive Science Robotics Open House website.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Have a great safe spring break!

Dear Cognitive Science students,

I wish you a fun and safe spring break.

Here are some "warning" tips from the Washington Post:

Most of all - try to relax and renew your energy for the rest of spring sememster and before fall registration (starting early April).
Izabela Kenney
your undergraduate advisor
Dr. David Kemmerer
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
and Department of Psychological Sciences
Purdue University

Monday, March 22, 2010
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Speech and Hearing Building, Room C141
To further investigate the neural substrates of lexical and conceptual knowledge of actions, we administered a battery of 6 tasks to 226 brain-damaged patients with widely distributed lesions in the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The tasks probed lexical and conceptual knowledge of actions in a variety of verbal and non-verbal ways, including naming, word-picture matching, attribute judgments involving both words and pictures, and associative comparisons involving both words and pictures.

Summer Jobs Fair-April 7

Summer Jobs Fair will take place this year on April 7, Wednesday, from 1 to 4pm in Alumni Hall, Indiana Memorial Union. The event is sponsored by the Indiana University Career Development Center:

Harnessing the Power of Social Media- Lecture

Lei Tang

Arizona State University

Tuesday, March 23rd 2010

1:00-2:00 p.m.

IMU Dogwood Room
Harnessing the Power of Social Media
Social media such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr enable people of all walks of life to express their thoughts, voice their opinions, and connect to each other anytime and anywhere. The boom of social media has spawned new research to study human interactions and collective behavior on an unprecedented scale. It is reshaping business models, providing trend analysis, aiding counter-terrorism efforts, and acting as grassroots information sources. In this talk, Lei Tang will discuss opportunities and research thrust, as well as future directions of computing with and mining social media