Monday, April 20, 2009

Cognitive Lunch Abstract for April 22

The next Cognitive Lunch will be held Wednesday, April 22.

Time: 12:10-1:10 p.m.
Place: Psychology Conference Room (Room 128)

"The Dynamics of Information Flow in Embodied Relational Categorization" will be presented by Paul Williams, Cognitive Science Program, Indiana University.

Information theory provides a powerful set of tools and concepts for the analysis of embodied cognitive systems. To date, such analyses have typically ignored the temporal behavior of such systems, instead collapsing over time to apply static measures of information structure. However, as I will discuss, the same basic concepts of information theory can also be used to explore the behavior of a system as it unfolds through time, giving rise to a notion of information flow.

In this talk, I will present results from an information-theoretic analysis of a model agent that performs a simple kind of relational categorization. I will demonstrate how, using techniques to characterize the structure of information flow, we can rigorously formulate and address questions such as how the agent extracts and stores information about stimulus features, and how it integrates information about multiple features. Finally, I will argue that when applied in this way information-theoretic techniques are in fact closely related to those of dynamical systems theory, and provide a complementary picture of how the behavior of a system emerges through the specific interactions of its components.

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