Friday, August 28, 2009

Mini-Symposium at IUPUI Sept. 11

You are cordially invited to attend the following Mini-Symposium:

Neuropsychiatric Conditions Affecting Military Personnel

September 11, 2009
1:00-5:00 p.m.
Walther Hall (R3 Building) Room 203
(Stark Neurosciences Research Institute; IUPUI)




1:00 Welcome
1:05 Research Presentation 1: Aimee Mayeda, MD, Chief, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Indianapolis VA Medical Center

1:30 Research Presentation 2: Andrew W. Goddard, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, IU School of Medicine

2:00 Breakout Session 1 – Identifying collaborative opportunities
a. Biogenic Amines-coleaders Val Watts and Gerry Oxford
b. Amino acids and channels- leader Ted Cummins
c. Neuromodulators (peptides, endocannabinoids)-coleaders Ken Mackie and Eric Barker

2:30 Coffee Break
2:45 PM Summary of Breakout Session 1 – led by Breakout session leaders

3:00 Research Presentation 3: Andrew Saykin, Psy.D., Raymond C. Beeler, Professor of Radiology Director, IU Center for Neuroimaging
3:30 Research Presentation 4: Vicenta Salanova MD FAAN, Professor of Neurology, Director of Indiana University Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, IUSM

4:00 Breakout Session 2 – Identifying collaborative opportunities
a. PTSD/anxiety/mood disorders -coleaders Anantha Shekhar and Steve Herman
b. Alcoholism and Substance Abuse- coleaders Julia Chester and Andrew
c. Epilepsy and cognitive sequalae-leader TBA

4:35 Summary of Breakout 2 – led by Breakout session leaders
4:55 Closing remarks
5:00 Dismiss

Organizing Committee:
Eric Barker, Purdue
Ken Mackie, IU Bloomington
Gerry Oxford, IUSM
Anantha Shekhar, IUSM
Val Watts, Purdue

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