Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Undergraduate Cognitive Science Conference,Spring 2011

The Indiana University Student Organization for Cognitive Science and the Indiana University Cognitive Science Program are pleased to announce the Midwest Undergraduate Cognitive Science Conference on the weekend of April 2-3, 2011 in Bloomington, Indiana.
This conference is organized to provide the next generation of cognitive scientists an opportunity to present their research to their peers from across the Midwest.
We are pleased to have two plenary speakers presenting their research:
Linda Smith, Professor of Psychology at Indiana University, will be delivering her plenary address on Saturday, April 2nd, 2011.
Larry Yaeger, Professor of Informatics at Indiana University, will be delivering his plenary address on Sunday, April 3rd, 2011.

Undergraduate students who wish to present a poster or talk should visit the submissions page on the MUCSC website. Here you will find more information on abstract requirements and the submission form. The deadline for submissions is February 4th, 2011. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the program committee and notifications will be sent via e-mail beginning February 28th, 2011.

Posters will be showcased during a 1.5 hour session and presenters must be present to answer questions. New to this year's conference, poster presenters have an opportunity to give a one minute teaser to their poster presentation prior to the poster session. The event, MUCSC RUCKUS (pronounced mʌ•kʌs rʌ•kʌs), will be a fast-paced, fun introduction to the numerous posters that will be presented by students across the Midwest. Participation is optional but encouraged for all poster participants. For more information, visit the MUCSC website or email cogsconf@indiana.edu.

Also new to this year's conference is the MUCSC Question of the Week, where students and faculty can engage in discussing various topics from all areas within cognitive science. In the coming weeks, we will request professors from the Midwest to submit questions that will be posted to our MUCSC Tumblr beginning in January. These questions can be commented on by anyone, but discussion will be moderated by the program committee. The most discussed questions will be featured at the conference on Sunday, April 3rd during a live discussion. ***If you would like to submit a question, we encourage you to reply to to us with your question. Most likely this question will be featured on our Tumblr! Thank you in advance for any submissions!***

Registration is free and required by all attendees. Students may register by visiting the registration page. Submitters of an abstract for a poster presentation or talk will automatically be registered as a conference attendee. Transportation and lodging arrangements will be the responsibility of the participants. Travel information and hotel suggestions are located on the MUCSC website.

Further details will be announced as the conference date grows closer. To be placed on our mailing list, send a message to listserv@indiana.edu with the body "subscribe cogsconf-l". If there are any questions please contact cogsconf@indiana.edu.

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