Thursday, May 07, 2009

Job: Indiana Statistical Consulting Center

The Indiana Statistical Consulting Center (ISCC) is expecting to hire a Student Academic Appointee to be a Consulting Associate in the center for the 2009-2010 academic year. This will be a 20 hour/wk position. The Consulting Associate will work under the supervision of Senior Consultants to meet with clients, advise on statistical methods, and explain the procedures within relevant software. He or she will also perform data management and analyses on large projects through the center.

Requirements: Knowledge in basic statistical methods (ANOVA, Regression,...) and experience in SPSS, SAS, or R programming. Specialized methods such as Structural Equation Modeling, Bayesian methods, Time-series, Hierarchical Linear Models, etc, are also of interest.

Please reply by e-mail to with a short letter of interest including a description of relevant knowledge & experience.

For more information about the Center, please visit

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