Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lecture: Katalin Bimbo

Please join us for a special logic talk.

"Nextand and Nallor" will be presented by Katalin Bimbo, University of Alberta Philosophy Department.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
3:00 p.m.
Ballantine 137

Various sets of connectives are known to be functionally complete for classical propositional logic -- including the singleton sets containing Nand or Nor. It is less well-known that the operator Nextand (introduced by Schoenfinkel) is sufficient for FOL as the only undefined logical constant. This talk is mainly concerned with the definition of operators like Nextand that turn out to be sufficient for FOL by themselves. There are four such binary operators. I define completely symmetric truth functions; the ternary completely symmetric truth functions give rise to 16 operators. (In order to provide a certain context, I will compare in the talk some of Peirce's and Sheffer's, as well as Schoenfinkel's and Quine's work.)

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