Monday, March 02, 2009

Cognitive Lunch Abstract for March 4

The next Cognitive Lunch will be held Wednesday, March 4.

Time: 12:10-1:10 p.m.
Place: Psychology Conference Room (Room 128)

"Age Differences in Processing Auditory Temporal Sequences" will be presented by Dan Fogerty,
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Indiana University.

Many older listeners have reduced speech understanding abilities that persist even after audibility of the signal is restored. Declining abilities in temporal processing have been proposed as one source of this underlying difficulty as adults age. This study examined the temporal-order processing abilities of young and older adults for several different auditory vowel sequence conditions. Results indicated that older listeners had more variability and performed poorer than young listeners on vowel-identification tasks, although a large overlap in distributions was observed. In addition, older listeners improved performance with additional stimulus exposure, but did not match the performance of young listeners. Individual differences among older listeners demonstrated the influence of cognitive factors, but not audibility or age.

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