Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Student Perspectives on Accessibility

Please join us for "Student Perspectives on Accessibility" presented by a panel of IU students.

Wednesday, March 25
Noon - 1:00 pm
IU Memorial Union Oak Room

How do IU students with disabilities feel about campus accessibility? Is the physical campus easy to navigate? Are academic accommodations easy and appropriate? Is social life accommodating and welcoming?

This panel presentation will feature several IU students in a moderated discussion sharing their experiences living successfully with disabilities. The panel will be composed of a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students with a variety of majors and disabilities. Panelists will touch on themes of academics and social life, awareness and stigma, attitude and etiquette, and with the audience, will explore the true meaning of accessibility.

Accessible University is a monthly series of presentations sponsored by the IUB Disability Roundtable. The purpose of the series is to educate the university community about accessibility issues and methodologies to create a more accessible university environment fully inclusive of students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities.

The Accessible University series is a collaborative activity of IUB’s Disability Roundtable, coordinated by Vicki Pappas of the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community and Alice Voigt of the National Center on Accessibility. For further information about the Accessible University series or the Roundtable, please feel free to contact Vicki (cpps@indiana.edu) or Alice (ajvoigt@indiana.edu).

Requests for Accommodations
If you plan to attend this session and require a sign language interpreter, real time captioning, assistive listening system, other auxiliary aid or information in alternate format, please contact Alice Voigt at the National Center on Accessibility, ajvoigt@indiana.edu, (812) 855-1091 (voice), or (812) 856-4421 (tty).

Alice Voigt: ajvoigt@indiana.edu
National Center on Accessibility
Vicki Pappas: pappas@indiana.edu
Indiana Institute on Disability and Community

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